论文标题:Occurrence, toxicity, production and detection of Fusarium mycotoxin: a review
期刊:Food Production, Processing and Nutrition
作者:Fang Ji, Dan He et.al
2019年10月,Food Production, Processing and Nutrition在线发表了江苏省农业科学院史建荣研究员和徐剑宏研究员课题组题为“Occurrence, toxicity, production and detection ofFusariummycotoxin: a review”的综述。
镰刀菌毒素(Fusarium mycotoxin)是镰刀菌属(Fusarium genera)生长过程中产生的多种有毒代谢产物,其种类繁多,尤以呕吐毒素(Deoxynivalenol)、雪腐镰刀菌烯醇(Nivalenol)、玉米赤霉烯酮(Zearalenone)、伏马毒素(Fumonisins)、T-2毒素等为主。镰刀菌毒素常会污染谷物粮食,给人畜安全带来了严重的威胁。
博士,研究员,南京农业大学、江苏大学硕士生导师,现任江苏省农业科学院农产品质量安全与营养研究所副所长,粮油风险因子评估与安全体系研究室主任,农业部农产加工品监督检验测试中心(南京)授权签字人。主要从事镰刀菌毒素的风险评估与全程管控研究。2013获得江苏省科技进步三等奖,授权国家专利12项,发表研究论文50余篇,其中SCI 20余篇。
Food Production, Processing and Nutrition
The Food Production, Processing and Nutrition journal aims to provide a unique dedicated forum for publication of the highest quality and novel contributions in the field. Both fundamental research and applied areas are of interest and these extend to food production with respect to variety improvement and selection as well as green processing. Food safety, elimination of contaminants, and retention of nutrients and bioactive components that play a role in health promotion of consumers, are important aspects that will be covered. Production technologies, absorption, bioavailability and personalized nutrition with consideration of gut microbiota are also of interest to the journal. Results may be communicated in the form of original research, reviews.
Fusariummycotoxin contamination of both foods and feeds is an inevitable phenomenon worldwide. Deoxynivalenol, nivalenol, zearalenone, T-2 toxin and fumonisin B1 are the most studiedFusariummycotoxins. Co-contamination of mycotoxins has also been studied frequently.Fusariummycotoxins occur frequently in foods at very low concentrations, so there is a need to provide sensitive and reliable methods for their early detection. The present review provides insight on the types, toxicology and occurrence ofFusariummycotoxins. It further elucidates various detection methods of mycotoxin production fromFusariumstrains, with a special focus on chromatographic and immunochemical techniques.