Dr. Hai-Tao He, is Research Director at French Scientific Research National Center (CNRS, the equivalent of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CAS) and co-head of the laboratory “Membrane dynamics and lymphocyte signaling” at the Centre d’Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy (CIML). He currently is the coordinator of CHOLESTIM international collaborative research program between the CIML and Shanghai Institute of Immunology (SII) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine. He is one of the world experts on membrane organization and dynamics, especially in T lymphocytes, and has contributed several seminal discoveries over the last decades.
王锋,研究员,2005年北京师范大学学士,2010年北京生命科学研究所博士,2010-2016年斯坦福大学Mark M. Davis实验室博士后,2016年加入上海交通大学医学院上海市免疫学研究所担任课题组长。王锋课题组主要从事以下三个研究方向:(1)天然代谢产物调控免疫系统的分子机理和生理功能;(2)T细胞信号和免疫受体组库在肿瘤免疫中的作用;(3)免疫检验点抑制剂引起的抗肿瘤和自身免疫反应机制。(http://daoshi.shsmu.edu.cn/Pages/TeacherInformationView.aspx?uid=ea591206-9c9d-4709-9883-36a06aae5d93&from=s&pId=&tId=710 )
Most adaptive immune responses require the activation of specific T cells through the T cell receptor-CD3 complex (TCR). Previously, we found that cholesterol sulfate (CS), a naturally-occurring cholesterol metabolite, inhibits CD3 phosphorylation, a crucial first step in T cell activation. CS deficient mice exhibit heightened sensitivity to self-antigen during thymocyte development (Wang et al, Nature Immunology 2016). Here, we propose to combine the cutting-edge biophotonic technology, including fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and super-resolution microscopy, with biochemical analysis to address the role of CS in regulation T cell membrane dynamics and the impacts on TCR signaling outcomes. Hai-Tao He’s group at the Center of Immunology Marseille-Luminy (CIML) in France is a world-leading laboratory conducting interdisciplinary studies on immune receptor signaling focusing on the molecular dynamics and interactions at the plasma membrane, by using advanced biophotonic and biophysical methodologies (Blouin et al, Cell 2016). Our collaborating work will uncover novel regulatory role of cholesterol metabolites, highlighting the importance of the membrane microenvironment in modulating cell surface receptor activation.