图1. 二维材料异质结中光激发诱导载流子的不同弛豫过程。 |
图2. 二维材料异质结中光激发后不同路径热电子过程的对比。 |
Description: Discovery of a new pathway for the relaxation of photoexcited hot electrons in 2D heterostructures through interlayer hopping, which is significantly faster than intralayer relaxation. |
Two-dimensional (2D) materials exhibit intriguing electronic, optical and mechanical properties, which are significantly different from conventional bulk materials. Experimental investigations of optical excitation in bilayer MX2 heterostructures report ultrafast charge dynamics in these systems. For example, it was reported that ultrafast hole transfer from the MoS2 to the WS2 layer within ~50 femtoseconds (fs) after photoexcitation. Interestingly, ultrafast interlayer electron transfer in randomly stacked homo-bilayers occurs also on a sub-picosecond time scale. Developing further insight requires a detailed theoretical investigation to examine different dynamic processes including interlayer charge transfer, energy transfer, and formation of interlayer excitons.
Now a group from Institute of Physics, Chinese academy of sciences led by Prof. Sheng Meng, in collaboration with Prof. Efhimios Kaxiras (Harvard University), Prof. Kaihui Liu (Peking University), and Prof. Johannes Lischner (Imperial College), demonstrates the dynamics of photoexcited electron/hole pairs in 2D heterostructures using time-dependent density functional theory. They report the discovery of a new pathway for the relaxation of photoexcited hot electrons in 2D heterostructures through interlayer hopping in (~100 fs), which is significantly faster than intralayer relaxation (~700 fs). This finding is of particular importance for understanding many experimentally observed photoinduced processes, including charge and energy transfer at an ultrafast timescale (< 1 ps). They compare the results quantitatively to available experimental data. The work established a concrete link between the interlayer interactions and electron dynamics in MX2 heterostructures, providing important insights for future design and optimization of van der Waals multilayers.
Zhang et al. New Pathway for Hot Electron Relaxation in Two-dimensional Heterostructures. Nano Lett. 18, 6057-6063 (2018).