SEMI® S2/S26的评估与认证
Evaluation and Certification according to SEMI ® S2/S26
SEMI® S6示踪气体测试
SEMI® S6 Tracer Gas Testing
SEMI® S23半导体工艺设备能效评估
Energy Utilities and Materials Use Efficiency Evaluation of SME according to SEMI® S23
SME Industrial Hygiene Evaluation
SEMI® 与设备EHS标准咨询与培训服务
SEMI® and Machinery EHS Standards/Guidelines Consulting and Training
SEMI® S13 技术文档编制
SEMI® S13 Technical Documentation Compiling
SEMI® F47 电压骤降测试
SEMI ® F47 Voltage Sag Test
EHS service team members are qualified as Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH),Certified Safety Engineer (CSE) and Level 1 Certified Fire Engineer (CFE).